Here is an example shot that was approved on Dreamstime today:

© Photographer: Bradcalkins
Nothing special at one level, but this is a tricky shot in terms of getting sharpness in the wood grain while avoiding noise in the wall paint. The 7D processed in Lightroom seemed to do just fine.
On a side note, I've been fairly pleased with the G12 as well. I've had a few approved from it now as well:

© Photographer: Bradcalkins
This shot of a tree was fairly blah, but I was hoping to do something with it as a silhouette. It looked OK, but was tough to get enough color in it without overfiltering. I decided to push it over the top in an overfiltered look:

© Photographer: Bradcalkins
In a previous post I said I was going to try to do a bit more with my photos, and I think these last two are evidence of that. The hockey one I deliberately shot into the sun to this image's advantage, and the tree shot I pre-planned some post processing...